In 2008, Cherrie Moraga (playwright), Celia Herrera Rodriguez (InstallationVisual Artist) and Alleluia Panis, (Choreographer) received a $40,000 Bay Area Creative Work Fun, collaborating with San Francisco's Campo Santo Theater. The fund will support a performance work, which is being developed through a "Jornada," in dialogue with (im)migrant/indigenous communities in Arizona, California, and Oregon. The work revolves around the theme of women separated from their children and lands of origin through forced migration and violence. The Creative Work Fund is a program of the Walter and Elise Haas Fund, supported by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the James Irvine Foundation.
A workshop production of an original performance work developed by Celia Herrera Rodríguez, Cherrie Moraga, and Alleluia Panis; in collaboration with Campo Santo Theater, San Francisco. Scheduled for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, April 23 -25, 2010.